Our home in Ainslie is on a ¼ acre block. When we moved here in 2008 there were only 2 trees on the block – a cherry plum and sour cherry tree in the back corner. We have planted over 50 fruit trees, made vegie beds and made a home here for our chickens, 2 beehives and working rabbits. Over time our children started calling it “The Farm” which has now become Ainslie Urban Farm.
I started growing microgreens in 2013 for the restaurant at Merici College where I taught sustainability and ran the award-winning Kitchen Garden. Microgreen production expanded so in 2016 I decided to move the business to our home in Ainslie. My husband, Michael Wilson and I built a greenhouse on our block, and it is here that we now grow seasonal microgreens and distribute them to local restaurants.